Crazy Lace Agate massage wand


Crazy lace agate is a stone representing happiness. Despite having powerful energy, the stone is both calming and stimulating because its vibration level is lower than that of other gemstones. This quality aids in the bearers' ability to stay grounded. Crazy lace agate is often utilized as a protective and balancing stone. It helps its bearer go with the flow during difficult times and wards off the evil eye to bring joy and absorb any emotional anguish or stress.
11cn x 2cm


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Crazy lace agate is a stone representing happiness. Despite having powerful energy, the stone is both calming and stimulating because its vibration level is lower than that of other gemstones. This quality aids in the bearers' ability to stay grounded. Crazy lace agate is often utilized as a protective and balancing stone. It helps its bearer go with the flow during difficult times and wards off the evil eye to bring joy and absorb any emotional anguish or stress.
11cn x 2cm


Crazy lace agate is a stone representing happiness. Despite having powerful energy, the stone is both calming and stimulating because its vibration level is lower than that of other gemstones. This quality aids in the bearers' ability to stay grounded. Crazy lace agate is often utilized as a protective and balancing stone. It helps its bearer go with the flow during difficult times and wards off the evil eye to bring joy and absorb any emotional anguish or stress.
11cn x 2cm


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